Joshua Searle-White
It's Not All about Sex!
(Or Is It?)
Written by Joshua Searle-White
Performed by Micah Quevillon and alex martin
Directed by Victoria Smith
How do you talk about sex with someone when even the mention of it seems to risk misunderstanding, hurt feelings, accusations, or worse? How do you know when consent is “real”? What do you do when you change your mind? And what does "consent" mean anyway -- 'permission' or 'agreement'?
These are difficult questions that we all need to grapple with. But there's no reason not to have fun while we do ...
“It’s Not All about Sex! (Or Is It?)” takes on these questions and more in a hilarious, no-holds-barred romp through some of the thorniest questions we all have to navigate in the age of #MeToo.
Watch the entire show on the Meadville Community Theatre's YouTube Channel!